The meeting began with Hymn201 Joy to the World. What a wonderful song and a great one to start this program meeting!
The first talk about about Shepherds. Read Luke 2: 8-20 for details on their part in this story.
Followed by one of the brothers in the Branch signing Hymn 211 "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" Have you ever seen signed music? It's really cool.
The next talk was about the Wise Men. This speaker encouraged all of us to follow their example. Meaning to look for Christ, keep him, cherish him then go "home" a different way.
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We all sang Hymn 210 "With Wondering Awe". The Holy Ghost attends all spiritual meetings and often other meetings, too. Music is a great way to bring in this spirit! At this point, one knew the Holy Ghost was here today...but we were about to feel it in a way that would leave no doubt!
The next talk was about Joseph! The strength of the Holy Ghost grew exponentially during this heartfelt talk! He said that Joseph is a great example of who he wants to be: brave, strong, smart, spiritual, hard worker, etc. He talked about how when Joseph was told by Mary about being pregnant, Joseph didn't want to dishonor her by breaking the marriage contract. Instead Joseph prayed to know for himself what to do and if this was right and when he received that confirmation, he didn't hesitate to follow the plan for him in this role. This talk ended with what I feel is the quote of the day: "My children are examples to me. My wife is an example to me. It's easy to love them." Thank you, brother, for your example and faith, you give all of us who know you strength!
Then the Young Women in our Branch sang Hymn 202 "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful" as they were accompanied by flute and piano. Just beautiful!!!
We then heard about Mary who was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Why? She was pure, obedient, etc. This sister wants to be like Mary and help her children spiritually prepare to face their role in life and their problems.
We all then sang Hymn 204 "Silent Night". The spirit continues to attend this meeting!
The last talk was about Jesus. This speaker looked at it from a little different perspective. That of the Nephites/Lamanites in the Book of Mormon. 3Nephi 1:13-21.
The meeting was closed with the primary kids singing Away in a Manger from the Children's Songbook. A different kind of program for the signing branch, but most wonderful perspectives and spirit! Thank you!